18” and larger all English Saddles
Saddles often go out on trial for several days, or could have sold within the past 48 hours and the photos haven’t been removed yet.
If you are making a special trip to our store to see a specific saddle, please give us a call or Facebook message beforehand so that we can confirm that saddle is still present in our shop!

18" Anky Adjustable Gullet Dressage saddle. This is a LOVELY soft leather saddle with a nice deep, sticky seat and large knee blocks to help you into position. The panels are wool flocked and gloriously squishy. Comes with the full set of gullets. $1500

18" Anky Adjustable Gullet Dressage saddle. This is a LOVELY soft leather saddle with a nice deep, sticky seat and large knee blocks to help you into position. The panels are wool flocked and gloriously squishy. Comes with the full set of gullets. $1500

18" Anky Adjustable Gullet Dressage saddle. This is a LOVELY soft leather saddle with a nice deep, sticky seat and large knee blocks to help you into position. The panels are wool flocked and gloriously squishy. Comes with the full set of gullets. $1500

18" M Toulouse jump saddle with wide tree. This min condition saddle has big knee blocks and the lovely M toulouse balance. $999

18" M Toulouse jump saddle with wide tree. This min condition saddle has big knee blocks and the lovely M toulouse balance. $999

18" M Toulouse jump saddle with wide tree. This min condition saddle has big knee blocks and the lovely M toulouse balance. $999