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We are planning to delay opening on Friday the 27th until 12 noon as most of the weather should be past by then. Check back on Facebook or our website for updates!

We’re coming to Woofstock in Fayetteville! Bring your doggo, hope to see you there!

Please check out our Facebook page to see the most up-to-date posts and news!

Meet the team!

Owners Savannah and Darin Branton

Store managers/mascots, Sybil (left) and Aurora (right)

Dude, Savannah’s 22 year old Quarter horse

Firefly, Lisabeth’s 23 year old Quarter Horse

A rare trail ride with all 4 owners!

Owners Lisabeth and Sam Peavy and kids: James, Johannah, Samantha, and Wyatt (not pictured)